Tree Planting Week

It’s been a busy few weeks and we managed to get most of the free trees planted on Tuesday 19th November, with the help of a determined group of volunteers – thanks so much to all of you!

We have a some alder and hornbeam remaining and these will go in on either Brewery Field or elsewhere around the village – if you know a good spot for a tree, let us know!

Thanks to a generous neighbour in Trumpington, we were given a number of free box plants that were quickly transplanted into the nectar garden.

The children at the school planted trees during their Well-being Day on 29th November.  Many thanks to the school Head, to our 3 experts Emma, Sarah and Ashley for leading the activities, and of course to all the junior Eco-warriers – hopefully your trees will thrive and grow as you do!

On Monday 2nd December, the bigger trees arrived from our supplier.  We were lucky enough to have volunteers from local company SMT and with their help and Sarah’s direction, we got all the large trees planted.  It was a beautiful but chilly morning, but digging the holes warmed us up in no time!  What a difference these trees make to the look of the field!  Thanks so much to SMT and to everyone who generously gave their time and very strenuous effort!

Over the day, we were lucky enough to be watched over by a pair of red kites, to be entertained by an ice-skating pied wagtail on the pond, and to hear a concert from a large and very vocal group of sparrows.  At the end of the day there was a troupe of long-tailed tits feeding and making their way along the hedgerow bordering Hunts road – Brewery Field is already a wildlife paradise!

Our next planting day is Wednesday 4th December, when we will be planting the bare root shrubs and plants including the hazels.  Bare root plants have to go in as soon as possible to give them the best chance of survival, but we may have some left to plant at the weekend (7/8 December), so if you are interested and can help, click the contact us tab, or send an email to:



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